The Sensitive Skin Predicament

"Jennah! Even Aveeno's baby products make him break out in rashes! He is scratching his skin off! What do I do?"

One of my best friends called with this question. Both her husband and son have VERY sensitive skin. Sensitive skin calls for sensitive treatment and very gentle products.

Many traditional skincare products (even the ones labeled natural) can contain harsh chemical ingredients. My general rule of thumb: if you can't eat it, don't put it on your skin. 

After speaking with her, I put on my research hat and went to work. From babies, to cancer patients, I was determined to make soap gentle enough for even the most sensitive of skin.

My research led me to Castile Soap or Jabon de Castilla. Originating from the Kingdom of Castilla (located in modern day Spain), the original Castile soap is a hard white soap that never expires, it is made of 100% pure Olive Oil. This region of Spain is known for having an abundance of olive groves. Between the 13th and 14th centuries (sources have a hard time pinning down the exact year) Castile Soap began to rise in popularity because of its gentle cleansing and healing properties. Apothecaries prescribed it as medicine, and royal families began demanding it! Louis the XIV (of France) even decreed that all French soap makers had to use Olive Oil when making soap, thus making the popular Marseille Soap or Savon de Marseille.

For thousands of years, people have used Olive Oil to cleanse their skin. Olive Oil is known for its powerful, yet gentle cleansing properties. A natural skin regenerator – the Squalene found in Olive Oil has been found to speed the healing process. Olive oil is also a natural humectant (keeps moisture in the skin), allowing it to effectively nourish even the most sensitive skin.

An Olive Oil based soap was the answer to my sensitive skin predicament. And that is just what I made.

Typical Castile Soap is made using Olive Oil and water. I modified this recipe a bit. Instead of water as my liquid, I use a mixture of Organic Coconut Milk & Organic Soy Milk. Both of these organic milks are very gentle on the skin and have healing properties of their own. The Organic Coconut Milk also makes for a bubblier lather. Traditional Castile Soap is known for having a somewhat slimy lather. The last modification I made was to add a little bit of Avocado oil and Lavender Essential Oil. Avocado Oil has properties that: treat dry scalps, moisturize, reduce signs of aging and combat eczema.

I am THRILLED with this soap. More importantly, my friend’s son is a happy camper. They use my Lavender Baby Soap for both his skin and his hair. WIN/WIN!

Having sensitive skin myself, this is my new “go-to” facial cleanser. Gentle and effective, my skin is thanking me!


Because the Lavender Baby Soap has been such a crowd pleaser, I am also making Rose Baby Soap too (using Rose EO instead of Lavender)!

Enjoy your Baby Soap, friends!



*Remember I am not a doctor, and the FDA hasn’t verified any of my statements. Also, this soap is not “tear-free,” so be careful with those little eyes!